We left Burgos before 0600. Its a big town and we wanted to get out of it as early as possible.
Hopefully you'll get an idea of the town. Again, it was misty. I was impressed by the murals and the street art in a city of less than 200,000.
The walk today was easy. I was carrying a pack and Ruth's was sent on. We met up with Linda

She was walking the Camino alone and today was to be her first 30k day. She was a home schooled, vegetarian, atheist and we had some very interesting conversations about education, Richard Dawkins, Co-housing and ecology.
She left us at Hornillos as she was walking a further 11k. With a bit of luck, we'll meet up again.

We found this sign in the village. Obviously the film crew had been here. If you ever see the film, trust me, it's not true to life.

This was the place we stayed at. It's a great Albergue and if you're ever this way, I'd recommend it.
We bumped into Remy in the square and later got into conversation with Marianne.

We have seen here nearly everyday along the way. Today was the first time we had a proper talk. She seems to prefer the quiet of the journey.
We were running short of cash and need to find an ATM soon. But we still had enough for an evening meal. Then to bed by 2030.