This is today's sunrise.

I'll include this one because I can, as its my blog.

Again a long white track beside a road. Two people ahead turned into

Little and Large. These 2 guys have been with us for days. I believe they are French. They start out each morning before us and we pass them at some point. They are usually carrying their walking poles. We call them 'Little and Large' after the 80's comedians. Obviously because one is little and the other is large and we don't know their names.
The highlight of the day, creature wise was seeing these cows, down in a dip, close to water in a replanted wood.
Other than that, we only saw a moth. You readers might not care. But I was with Ruth and this made her day, possibly. Or that might have been the chocolate cake for breakfast.

Anyway, it was a long, hot day. I was thinking of a post that my friend Jackie made about fuel prices in the UK. We have only passed maybe 3 petrol stations on this walk. We are not in 'Deliverance' country but its pretty quiet apart from us pilgrims. Anyway, when you get to a picnic stop (benches and no loos) you see this sign.

It puts fuel prices into perspective.

Anyway, we found the sword in the stone at one of these picnic places.

We crossed a local highway. As you can see the road infrastructure is pretty good. They just need a few cars to justify it.

And then the rain came down. It started softly, and then went tropical monsoon on us.

You can see why they have huge storm drains. I'll show a picture of Ruth now.

Luckily we were on the outskirts of Mancilla, after a 27k walk, with a couple of rest stops.

I forgot to show the Three Wise Monkeys on holiday.

This was the bar in our Albergue.
Along with its own Three Wise Monkeys

And I found a new beer.

It was pretty good.
Note the bar rail supports

We also had a good talk with Micha, who was travelling with the tall Korean, who seems to be having problems walking and was not seen today. Here is a stealth picture of Micha, or Mr Blue Leg, on account of us seeing him with his leg wrapped in blue tape for shin splints for several days.

Note the scallop shell on the staircase.

Here is the place we're staying. As we're posh we've got a private room rather than sharing a dormitory. It's across the road from the Albergue. It's so posh, you provide your own newspaper to stuff your wet boots.
Great to see you are both doing well. Hard to believe it was this day last we parted company in Burgos. Marian and Deirdre