We left Zubiri at about 0715. It was raining gently so we poncho'd up. The road out went over the bridge

On the way we passed Rose and Paul, the two South Africans we had been meeting up with en route. They were stretching their legs before starting out!

The way out of town passed the Magna plant which seemed to be an open cast mine.

This was run by Magna, producing magnetite, apparently used in steel production.

They produced this infogrphic about the company and also this one, which seemed more interesting to us

We have seen both the red and black kites and maybe the vulture.
Today was a bit wet with a good few ups and downs and a long slog through Pamplona suburbs until we reached the old town.

Sorry guys, here a map of where we're going. You'll have to refer back to the previous map for Zubiri to Larrasoana.
This day was a hard grind. I was walking behind Ruth, so we would move at the same pace.

This was a guy offering coffee and 'super special lemonade' for a donation. Nice guy, nice lemonade and interesting chat.

This was one of the ups. The downs were even worse, compounded because the guidebook didn't mention this.