The Albergue is very nice. Ruth had forgotten that she'd booked a double room so no dorm for us!
They had San Miguel on tap in the bar so I indulged in San Miguel Select which was a darker beer and their Radler which was a shandy, both quite nice.
The supermarket in town was raided for diy sandwiches for tomorrow, all stuffed in a Robert Dyas bag.

We had dinner at the hotel as Ruth's blister was making its presence felt. We shared a table with Chris, a 70s-ish Aussie and talked bread recipes, moving home across country late in life and Church politics, which sounds a minefield, but OK along with red wine.
The food was good. I had a mixed salad, which included more veg than I'd eaten so far in Spain. Also had a fish called Colin, which is French for hake. That was very nice.