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Day 6 - I spot some wildlife

We saw one of these today Apparently very common, it was a European Green Lizard. We saw it up ahead, but it moved too fast to take a...

Day 6 - car theft

Conehead Mantis breaking into a car Apparently they aren't very common in Spain, which keeps car insurance down

Day 6

In Lorca, a few km from Estella In, Agora Hostel, Estella, before shower and beer.

Day 6 - a bridge too far

Today I'll show pictures of bridges we've crossed today. An old Roman bridge With old Roman Ruth Bridge out of Puente La Reina An...

Day 5 - evening in Puente La Reina

The Albergue is very nice. Ruth had forgotten that she'd booked a double room so no dorm for us! They had San Miguel on tap in the bar so...

Day 4 - in Pamplona

Bar Gaucho is great for pinchos (what they call tapas here). The food here was great, including mushrooms, octopus, sausage and quails...

Day 5 - Pamplona to Puenta La Reina - spooky person

This guy is from Japan or Korea, but half way through the day put on a white half face mask, not a Covid-19 type mask. I think it looks...

Day 4 - Zubiri to Pamplona - Part 2

2022/5/25 I'm including this as this is Basque country and there has been an independence movement for years - think Norther Ireland This...

Day 5 - Pamplona to Puenta La Reina - Good news!

We bumped into Lorna today along the trail, actually in a church She was on her own. Her friend had to be slowly walked down the...

Day 5 - Pamplona to Puenta La Reina

2022/5 /26 We left early today 0630 for a long walk out of town, via the University of Navarra, which is a lovely campus university. Ruth...

Day 4 - Zubiri to Pamplona

2022/5/25 We left Zubiri at about 0715. It was raining gently so we poncho'd up. The road out went over the bridge On the way we passed...

Day 4 - I don't recognise your accent

2022/5/25 0700 breakfast American: where are you from? Me: London... Don't you recognise the accent? American: sorry. I'm not very good...

Day 4 - What3words

Here is a precise what3words address, made of 3 random words. Every 3 metre square in the world has its own unique what3words address....

First things discarde

Innersoles that have not been needed

Day 3 - Roncevalles to Zubiri

2202/5/24 Lights out at 2200 last night. Restless sleep due to a night time snore chorus of three bunks. Breakfast at Casa Sabina was OK...

Day 3 - Roncevalles to Zubiri - water crossings

These are some of the bridges over streams on the way. The water was low but you get the idea that a lot of water comes off these mountains.

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