Day 6 - I spot some wildlife
We saw one of these today Apparently very common, it was a European Green Lizard. We saw it up ahead, but it moved too fast to take a...
We saw one of these today Apparently very common, it was a European Green Lizard. We saw it up ahead, but it moved too fast to take a...
Conehead Mantis breaking into a car Apparently they aren't very common in Spain, which keeps car insurance down
In Lorca, a few km from Estella In, Agora Hostel, Estella, before shower and beer.
Today I'll show pictures of bridges we've crossed today. An old Roman bridge With old Roman Ruth Bridge out of Puente La Reina An...
The Albergue is very nice. Ruth had forgotten that she'd booked a double room so no dorm for us! They had San Miguel on tap in the bar so...
Bar Gaucho is great for pinchos (what they call tapas here). The food here was great, including mushrooms, octopus, sausage and quails...
This guy is from Japan or Korea, but half way through the day put on a white half face mask, not a Covid-19 type mask. I think it looks...
2022/5/25 I'm including this as this is Basque country and there has been an independence movement for years - think Norther Ireland This...
We bumped into Lorna today along the trail, actually in a church She was on her own. Her friend had to be slowly walked down the...
2022/5 /26 We left early today 0630 for a long walk out of town, via the University of Navarra, which is a lovely campus university. Ruth...
2022/5/25 We left Zubiri at about 0715. It was raining gently so we poncho'd up. The road out went over the bridge On the way we passed...
Cue Elvis Costello and the Attractions 'Good Year for the Roses' Dog roses are everywhere. Also they like their garden roses here.
2022/5 /23 The walk down to Zubiri was very steep and rocky. The rock strata poked out of the hill side and path. It was starting to...
Rather nice wall tile Impressive looking church. Bar Juan where we stopped for coffee Located exactly here but I forget the village. The...
2022/5/25 0700 breakfast American: where are you from? Me: London... Don't you recognise the accent? American: sorry. I'm not very good...
Here is a precise what3words address, made of 3 random words. Every 3 metre square in the world has its own unique what3words address....
Innersoles that have not been needed
2202/5/24 Lights out at 2200 last night. Restless sleep due to a night time snore chorus of three bunks. Breakfast at Casa Sabina was OK...
These are some of the bridges over streams on the way. The water was low but you get the idea that a lot of water comes off these mountains.
Talking with people today on the walk, everyone had some plans that they failed to implement before their Camino trip. We failed to do...
Naturally Curious